Airport IoT Summit Agenda


Download The Future Terminal Summit Agenda here

Through an industry-leading blend of high profile case studies, engaging roundtable debates, and invaluable networking opportunities, you will be certain to discover strategies to overcome current and future IoT and digitisation challenges.


We will be leading debates and discussions on:


    • Integrating IoT Technologies
      Investigate how AI, AR, VR, Machine Learning, Intelligent Automation, Blockchain, Drones and Robotics can be of most benefit in the future airport setting


    • Security and Identity Management
      Keeping sensitive data safe and enabling secure transactions between devices, systems and parties in an airport environment


    • Intelligent Facilities and Processes
      Utilising latest IoT technologies to inform and streamline airport facilities, improve energy and lighting management, daily site maintenance, check-in facilities, baggage-handling and security operations


    • Where Smart Cities meet Smart Airports
      Determining how IoT connectivity and smart city data can be used to optimise public transport and transit services, parking systems, runway usage


    • Enhancing the Customer Journey
      Using big data info gathered from parking, flight turnaround times, baggage transit times, retail patterns and passenger activity to optimise the customer’s journey through the airport site


    • Improving Customer Engagement
      Adopting new digital technologies such as remote tracking, AI, AR and VR to monitor customer satisfaction, aid communication with customers, and encourage them to take full advantage of the retail offering


    • Optimising ROI in an Airport Terminal Setting
      Investigating how the adoption of digital technology, intelligent, automated processes and IoT functions and systems can help the airport to run more effectively, improve ROI for investors and reduce OPEX long-term


    • Advantages of Big Data
      Learning how to intelligently apply sensors and sensor-reading technology across the airport to get the most out of the data you collect


    • The Future of Terminal IoT
      What’s next? Identifying priorities for change, and the order of adoption of IoT technologies in an airport setting

    For speaking opportunities, please contact


Confirmed Speakers

  • Brian Cobb

    Chief Innovation Officer

  • Rami Hindieh

    Associate Director

  • Karen Ellis

    Chief Customer Experience Officer

  • Roberto Castiglioni

    Chair, Heathrow Access Advisory Group

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